Supporting Research into Paediatric DIPG

What is RAM?

Robert Andrew Munro - RAM Foundation is a charity set up to raise awareness and much needed funds towards medical research into Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG).
bobo smiling
Bobo passed away after fighting the disease for 19 months

On 15 June 2017 Bobo tragically passed away after fighting the disease for 19 months. He was only 13 years old.

Bobo was lionhearted. He showed a strength and determination ahead of his years. It broke our hearts and changed our lives. No child and their family should to go through the same pain and heartache we went through. Brain tumours are the biggest killer in children. This statistic needs to change, it needs to change so children with DIPG have a future.

We want to make a significant impact supporting DIPG research

Our main aim is to support medical research into finding treatments which help prolong lives and eventually find a cure. We want to make a significant impact supporting DIPG research.

Our Aims for the Foundation

  1. To relieve sickness and protect good health of children and young people by supporting research into the treatment of DIPG
  2. To find projects which have the highest chance of making a quick and significant impact on children with DIPG
  3. To raise money for DIPG research (UK) and by supporting researchers
  4. To raise awareness of DIPG

Our Mission

To be a charity who along with other parent led charities and advocacy groups worldwide will contribute towards the development of the research effort.

Our Values

Having gone through the most painful loss, it is important to our family, friends and community to continue Bobo's fight against DIPG which we hope will help others who find themselves in the same position we did but have a better prognosis.

Our Vision

It has been a dreadful and heartbreaking time for us. Sadly, many more families will experience the dark journey of DIPG. Our vision is a world where children diagnosed with DIPG have a future, knowing they can be cured. We invite you to join us on this endeavour and support RAM Foundation.

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