Supporting Research into Paediatric DIPG

swish party

Swish Party Success

Shona at SCMstudiofitness, Spinningdale, holds a swish party for RAM.

Massive thank you to Shona who runs SCMstudiofitness for organising a swish party and raffle on 28th June. Thank you to everyone who made it a great success, raising over £640. 💚

start of the party
All ready to go
party in full swing
Party in full swing!


What do you think?

Here's what others said...


Eleanor Cruickshank said:

Mark Jen & Iby
I think we should organise a Ceilidh for Bobo’s charity. I also think we could all do with letting our hair down….
Entry tickets
Hit the bottle
All we need is a venue and we can do the rest…..😎❤️⭐️xxx


Mark said:

Hi Eleanor & Tom,

Thank you for your message and kind offer.
A Ceilidh, a bottle, dancing and good craic for a great cause sounds like a fantastic idea!

We will be in touch soon to make arrangements. 💚 xxx

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