Supporting Research into Paediatric DIPG

DIPG Awareness Day

May 17 is the unofficial DIPG Awareness Day. Petitions have been submitted to Parliament to consider making this officially recognised in the UK.

Early Day motions were tabled on 1 May 2019 at the Houses of Parliament and all supporters hope this day will become recognised in the not too distant future. However, while we wait it does not mean we cannot raise awareness on this day and every other day of the year!

On the 17 May 2019 Carrbridge Primary (Bobo's old school) raised £257.15 and Grantown Grammar, where Bobo started first year for a short while in 2016 and now Iby (Bobo’s wee sister) too, raised £270.15 when they held a DIPG Awareness dress down day. A huge thank you to all, great effort! 💚

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